We have evolved.
The children have evolved.
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There is a new wave of people coming into the world.
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It's time to shift 
the parenthood paradigm.

As Featured In...
The Way We Parent 
is Completely outdated
Our kids aren't like the generations past.
They're here for the new world.
They're here to shift us, to move us, to grow us, and to evolve us...
No one teaches us this. 
Nobody has shown us what to do 
with this new wave of humans coming to shift the world.
REBIRTH will teach you the tools you need to heal old wounding,
process your emotions, talk to your kids so they hear and understand you,
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and so much more.
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It will change all of your relationships. 
It will change how your children react to you.
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All because you will be different.
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You'll be free from falling into the power struggles that trap us all.
You'll no longer lose your cool and then become overwhelmed with guilt afterward.
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You'll know exactly how to handle things as they come up. 
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You'll see your kids respond to you without the arguments.
Without the tantrums.
Because they will feel completely heard and supported.
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This not only shifts your family,
but it shifts the entire world around you.
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Hello, beautiful souls! Sara Longoria here! 
Simply put, I am a success mentor and teacher of energetics and manifestation. I've been blessed to bring these methods to hundreds of individuals and companies around the world. 

My signature program — Rapid Relief Technique — was created out of a pure desire to address the major piece of manifestation that has been grossly missed. This is a groundbreaking manifestation system that teaches YOU how to use your life and energy to create EXACTLY what you desire in the fastest way possible. 

Although energy and manifestation may seem quite ethereal, my background is in data and numbers. I am a science nerd turned magic manifestor! I use my background in Biomedical Sciences, Neurophysiology, Energetics, and Corporate Sales to help you break through your upper limit and create unparalleled success. Most of my clients see massive leaps in income, spontaneous healing, and overall lifestyle upgrades in as little as a few weeks. 

I'm on a mission to teach the world an easier and quicker way to create a life they absolutely love using my unique blend of non-traditional manifestation techniques, proven innovative strategies, and energetic principles. 

I can't wait to help you create the life you've always dreamed of!
There's a new and better way 
to relate to your children.
We'll help you clean out YOUR wounding,
so you can be the best guide, example, 
and teacher of love for your children.
The shift in the world starts with you.
It starts will all of us understanding ourselves better
so we can raise our children to be better.
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